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He has authored books like Design Of Steel Structure, Limit State Design Of Steel Structures, Earthquake Resistant Design Of Structure, etc.Ecology action- green directory.pdf. His research interests include topics like earthquake engineering, Ferro cement, and reliability. He is a professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at MNNIT, Allahabad. Duggal is an Indian author and educationist. The author will be grateful to the readers for their comments and suggestions for further improvement of the book About The Authorĭr. Smart materials and composite materials have been introduced in chapter 2 on miscellaneous materials. Numerous revision of data and substitutions in the description have been made not only in these chapters but in other chapters also. Much newer and upcoming more important concretes such as self-compacting concrete, bacterial concrete have been introduced in chapter 20 on special cement and cement concrete. The material presented can be supplemented by the information from I.S. The information presented includes characteristics of the materials in regards to their physical and mechanical properties with an emphasis on their strength and durability qualities. New materials have been introduced due to advances in technology and progress in the industry. In the third edition of the book, extensive revisions have been made.

Soil Mechanics And Foundation Engineering.

Geotechnical Engineering (Soil Mechanics And Foundation Engineering) Books.